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Bahia Amawi

Bahia Amawi is a Palestinian-American speech therapist for Austin public schools, a mother of four young children and an observant Muslim. After she is fired from her job for refusing to sign the anti-boycott pledge, Bahia remains undaunted, suing the State of Texas and becoming a powerful symbol for the Muslim-American community in Texas, the largest in the United States.

Alan  Leveritt

Alan Leveritt is the publisher of a local newspaper, the Arkansas Times. Alan, who comes from a conservative, libertarian family, is distraught by the role of fundamentalist right-wing organizations on the rapid spread of these bills across the country. He is committed to bringing his case all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary.

Mikkel Jordahl

Mikkel Jordahl is an attorney who works as a civil rights advisor in Arizona. During a long-postponed trip to Israel to celebrate his son’s  Bar Mitzvah, Mik decides to boycott companies complicit in Israel’s occupation.  As Mikkel challenges the anti-boycott bill, his relationship with his son deepens.  


Brian Hauss

Brian Hauss is an up-and-coming lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union. Brian is stunned that boycotts, an act he believes to be core to American democracy – from the colonial era boycott of British goods to the civil rights era boycotts to end Jim Crow laws – is at risk nationwide.

Laiken Jordahl

Laiken Jordahl is Mik’s son and an environmental and social justice activist. Laiken grew up in the Jewish tradition and reflects on his bond to his grandparents and the injustices he and his father witnessed when visiting the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Vince Warren

Vince Warren is the Executive Director of the Center for Constitutional Rights, a group that has been investigating the role of the pro-business organization, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), in passing anti-boycott laws across the country.

Itamar Benzaquen

Itamar Benzaquen is a reporter for The Seventh Eye, an Israeli investigative magazine devoted to journalism, the media, freedom of speech and transparency.

Senator Bart Hester

Senator Bart Hester is the Republican Majority Leader of the State Senate in Arkansas. He is the proud sponsor of the Arkansas anti-boycott bill and speaks about his motivation to sponsor the bill, introducing us to a network that is determined to help lawmakers replicate these bills in state legislatures across the country.

Lara Friedman

Lara Friedman is the president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace, a Washington-based organization promoting a just resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Dima Khalidi

Dima Khalidi is the founder and director of Palestine Legal, a group that provides legal advice and litigation support to individuals and communities who stand up for justice in Palestine.

Peter Beinart

Columnist, journalist and political commentator, a regular contributor to The New York Times and frequent commentator on CNN.

Rabbi Barry Block 

Rabbi of Congregation B’nai Israel, the largest synagogue in Arkansas.