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A spokesperson for the Israeli army, Doron does not believe nonviolent demonstrations can change the route of the Separation Barrier since he believes its goal to provide security to Israel “trumps everything.” For him, the use of Palestinian property to build the Separation Barrier “is extremely unfortunate to the lives of the Palestinian people, however is less unfortunate than the death of an Israeli civilian.”

Yasmine is sent to Budrus as a squad commander in the border police and is faced with the overwhelming number of women participating in these demonstrations. She is committed to fulfilling the expectations to halt the demonstrations. Over the course of the demonstrations she develops a complex relationship with the women in the village who call her by name in their chants. She says, “Even if the women were beaten or shot, they had no problem with it. They went to all lengths to ensure their land would remain theirs.”

Israeli mathematician who joined the demonstrations in Budrus because of his belief that direct action was missing in the Israeli peace movement at the time. “When we got about 200 meters from the soldiers, and they were armed… I was sure we were going to die. But there were others around me who weren’t even cowering. And gradually I got over my fear and got stronger from their strength and determination.” Read Just Vision's in-depth interview with Kobi.

Rebekah has over twelve years of producing, directing and editing experience in film and television. She worked on films that aired on Al Arabiya, the Discovery Channel, and PBS. Rebekah lived in the West Bank for eight years where she worked with Palestinian and Israeli filmmakers to produce films (Swish, Swish) and documentaries (A Good Samaritan).
She also taught filmmaking at Al Quds University and Dar Al Kalima College. Rebekah has managed several youth media projects in the Middle East including a Palestinian-Israeli video exchange project.